About Me


My Background

My Favorite Things

My Background

I grew up in Gainesville, FL and went to my local high school. After graduation, I went to college for Computer Engineering in South Florida and ended up staying in the area permanently. I have been working as an Technology and Operations Director for several years; I love it! I live with my wonderful wife, our 2 children and our two dogs in Coral Springs.  I've got a laid back personality but lead life by the motto "Well done is better then well said".


My Hobbies

My Favorite Things

My Background

When I'm not at work, I really love to keep current with technology and gadgets.  I'm also an inventor and really enjoy the creative side of this when inspiration hits!  When the weather is nice, I take my motorcycle out so I can pursue my passion for the open road!   When i need some peace and quite I find there is nothing else like a relaxing diving trip off the coast exploring the ocean.


My Favorite Things

My Favorite Things

My Favorite Things

I love watching my daughter play on her travel fast pitch softball team because it gives me great joy to see one of my best accomplishments excel in sports.  I equally enjoy learning golf as of late and sharing this experience with my son that also likes the sport.  Most of all, my favorite thing to do is the adventure vacations I take with family and friends as frequently as I can!  


Current information regarding my resume and references can be found here

Files coming soon.





  • Microsoft Windows
  • Microsoft Windows Server
  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Microsoft Virtualization Server




Proficient in Microsoft:

  • Office
  • Office 365 Administration
  • Office 365 Product and Services
  • Terminal Services
  • Project/Planner
  • Teams
  • Cloud Storage Technology
  • Access
  • SQL
  • IIS




  • Active Directory
  • Group Policy
  • Advanced Network Security
  • Magento
  • eCommerece
  • AWS
  • ERP
  • ERM
  • API

Cumulative Experience

  • Operations Management  
  • Application Development
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Corporate Communications
  • Team Training & Leadership
  • Forecasting & Stock Management
  • Problem Solving & Lean Concepts
  • Marketing Strategies & Campaigns
  • Information Technology  Development & Administration

  • Project Management
  • New Product Sourcing
  • Public & Media Relations
  • Sales Collateral & Support
  • New Product & Service Launch
  • Service Positioning & Branding
  • Focus Group & Market Research
  • Web & Print Content Development
  • Manufacture Contracting Management

Brand Me

The Beginning


Starting during my first year of college, I was given some great opportunities to learn practical applications in the workplace. I received a position for a sales associate for vehicles. Within 2 years, I was promoted to General Manager and put in position to lead the re-branding of the dealership to a new brand called Daewoo Motors which was then bought by General Motors.

Hooked on Technology


I started investing time to explore computer science and between 1997 thru 2012 Information Technology and practices was my main forte and focus. From 2012 thru present I use relevant and current techniques in this area as innovations in the business practices and procedures that I either architect from the ground up or improve upon due to defects and inefficiencies found in the processes. 

Growing Career and Knowledge

I have been a successful business owner and I find great pride in creating new projects with my ingenuity. To build on this, I have taken opportunities with working for larger companies within management but using my technology background for process improvements.  


Always Room for Improvement

I’ve found the learning of the Lean six sigma is very interesting and currently in the process of earning my black belt in this.  I always continue to learn to keep relevant  and will always do whatever it takes to get a job done. I’m always self-improving and really enjoy each time I become self-aware about another part of myself I need to improve on, or just realizing “what are you doing this for!”. 

Attention to Details is Everything

I am extremely attentive to detail when it comes to projects and I work relentlessly until the project is completed. I really enjoy the problem solving that comes along with it.  I enjoy tackling the unknown and mastering it. I have the ability to solve most issues that arise and if I can’t, then I find the resources to accomplish the needed solution.